Yoga & Meditation

Yoga and Exercises to Deal with Diabetes

Yoga and Exercises to Deal with Diabetes Diabetes is spreading all over the world at a very fast pace. There was a time, when only 55+ people were victim of this disease, but now even new born are not safe from Diabetes. Is there anyway we can safeguard ourself from Diabetes?? Or is it even...

Cope with Anxiety and Stress without Medication

Cope with Anxiety and Stress without Medication All of us are on the run, trying to get the maximum out of a day. A day, full of duties, deadlines, meetings and targets. The pressure of meeting these deadlines and perform one’s best leads to many a complication in our daily lives. Such is the lifestyle...

Health and Spiritual Benefits of Fasting you must know

Health and Spiritual Benefits of Fasting you must know Everyone has heard about health and spiritual benefits of fasting, but only few of them know about it. Fasting means a person restricting himself from food and drinks for a certain period of time. It can be of various types where the person can totally restrict...

Most Effective Yoga Postures to Increase Height Naturally after Puberty

Do you feel ashamed of your short height? Want to increase height naturally after puberty? Do you want to try simple and safe methods that will surely help you increase your height? Well, you must have heard that height does not increase once you have reached puberty. Well, this is true, but the other...

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Emotionally Detach Yourself from Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Love is the most important and most beautiful part of one’s life. Being in Love brings all the joy in this world and takes...