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Why I am keen to Choose Apollo Cradle Royale for my next  Delivery

Choosing a hospital for pregnancy is a big deal in Delhi. There are tons of reason a women wants to choose a hospital and not just her gynaecologist. And yes, it is important for the mother to be to choose one which she feels she should choose, irrespective of distance of money. Afterall, not only is she going to bring the bundle of joy there but also going to spend the most crucial time and sensitive time of her life there. A new born and a new mom both needs an environment that’s safe for them. Let me tell you why I choose Apollo Cradle royale for my next delivery.

Points I kept in mind while choosing the best Maternity Hospital for my next Delivery

I am not a patient – A mother is a mother, and not a patient for sure. So I definitely wanted a hospital that pampers me during and after my pregnancy. I wanted my baby to come in a place that is meant to welcome him/her not scare him/her. As soon as I entered Apollo Cradle Royale, I was blown away, it didn’t feel I was in a Hospital. Every inch of Apollo Cradle Delhi makes you feel so special and warm. Be it the rooms or the ICU.

Cleanliness– Every hospital has some weird smell that can never make you feel comfortable. I am not fond of hospitals. Apollo Cradle is so clean and the fragrance there was so welcoming. You would never feel like you are in a hospital but its like a weekend getaway … LOL

Pampering– Pregnancy is a tough phase, and Apollo Cradle Delhi pampers the mothers to be in each and every possible way. They makes you feel special and celebrate every month of your pregnancy. Small gestures like baby shower, photo sessions, games and what not. Moms to be enjoy being pampered at Apollo Cradle Delhi and I really want to get pampered like that too in my pregnancy.

Safety and Health– Even though the atmosphere in Apollo Cradle Royale is not at all like hospital but they make sure that you get every possible thing you might need during your pregnancy, delivery and post-partum and also your baby. It’s a well-equipped hospital that doesn’t make you feel like you are in a hospital. In a normal hospital there are more chances of you and your baby being infected from various diseases but as Apollo Cradle Delhi being only maternity hospital you won’t find any other patients here and thus rate of infections go way lower.

Choosing your Labour Partner– Isn’t it so exciting that you are not alone in labour pain. You can choose your labour partner, be it your husband, your mother or your best friend. Holding your hand, and helping you when you need someone the most to encourage you to go on and push.

Encourage Breastfeeding– Where most of the hospitals don’t even give you back your baby for hours, Apollo Cradle Delhi believe in breastfeeding within 2 hours of birth. Be it C-Sec or normal, you can breastfeed your baby within 2 hours, that’s such a blessing for a new mom and baby.
And in case you cannot, or there is some other problem, then they encourage you to pump the breast milk but they are not in favour of formula milk. I was so touched with heir such

Encourage Normal Delivery– We usually think that bigger hospitals prefer C-sec over normal delivery but I was shocked that they not only believe in normal delivery but also train your body and mind throughout your pregnancy for labour pains and normal delivery.

Prenatal Classes– Prenatal classes at hospital makes you get more comfortable with staff. These classes trains your body and mind for the upcoming hurdles in your pregnancy. These classes happens with your labour partners and thus train them for baby too. Your labour partner becomes your pregnancy partner as well. Doing it with your husband brings you much more close to you than ever.

Lactation Consultant– Lactation Consultant is a very big support during and after pregnancy. They teach you about the Right latch, proper position and so many things you need to know to breast feed your baby. There are so many challenges women face to exclusively breastfeed their baby, they teach you how to overcome them as well.

Great Rooms – They have packages with different facilities but same love and pampering to choose from. Every room has their own advantages which increase with their categories. Like the top most category has an attached room for your relatives or family members that has a double bed and dining area. The new mom gets all the privacy she needs and the family members gets the comfortable sleep.

Add-on Services– Who doesn’t love to get add on services. When I saw the kind of services they provide, I was like WOW!!! They decorate your room, your car, cake cutting, professional photography, hand and feet cast and so much love.

Your pregnancy journey becomes so special at Apollo Cradle Delhi and the best part you don’t feel like you are a patient but feel like a special woman who has just brought a life in this world. I loved Apollo Cradle Delhi and I am sure you will love it too.

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