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Effective Natural Home Remedies to Treat Bug Bites

It is said that the smallest creature gives the most dreadful pain. When it comes to bugs like mosquitoes and bees, they can inflict the real pain. There are many medical creams and tablets to fight this pain but we need home remedies to treat bug bites. Bugs can be really annoying. Although, there are many insect repellents but still there are many bugs that have made themselves prone to these repellents. Well, there is no need to search for creams and tablets as in this post, we will give you the effective natural home remedies to treat bug bites.

Source: heavy.com
Source: heavy.com

Home Remedies to Treat Bug Bites:

The very first thing is to make sure that it is a bug bite. The most basic symptoms of bug bites are itchiness, swelling, skin rashes and bruising. In few cases, skin infection can also come into play due to bug bite. In case, you are feeling extra pain or some other kind of symptoms, consult your doctor instead of going for these home remedies to treat bug bites.

  • Lemon: Lemon is considered as natural anesthesia as it contains anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. All you need to do is to just cut the lemon into two pieces and directly rub the inside of it over the itchy part. Lemon juice also helps in reducing the chances of infection. Just apply the juice directly over the affected part. You can also add basil leaves for better results.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar can be used to reduce the redness and swelling. You can directly apply a small amount of vinegar on the skin or you can add small amount of making soda to make it a paste. If you have many bites (For example: bees bite), you can go for a bath with 2 cups of vinegar in it. Organic apple cider vinegar works best but you can also go for white vinegar.
  • Onion and Garlic: Apart from making you cry, onions are also very effective in treating bug bites. Both of these amazing foods can be used in many ways. If you are going on a trip where you think that you will suffer from bug bites, start eating onions and garlics ten days before the trip. It is said that people who eats these two foods produces a strange smelly sweat which keeps insects away. Apart from that, both of these can also be applied directly on the bite to reduce swelling and redness. However, carry mouthwash and good deodorant in case you plan to talk to people.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is considered as the supreme God when it comes to home remedies. It is used for so many purposes and it is also a very effective home remedies to treat bug bites. It is a natural antiseptic which can be used to reduce pain, itching and swelling. Apart from that, it can also help in faster healing of the bite. Take the leaf of Aloe Vera and extract the gel inside it. Now place this gel in refrigerator for 10 minutes and after that rub directly on the affected area.
Source: gethelponline.org
Source: gethelponline.org
  • Salt: Salt can be easily found in any home at any time. It has got antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which makes it perfect home remedies to treat bug bites. Just take a small amount of table salt and add few drops of water to make a paste. Apply this paste directly on to the affected area. Although, it will cause a burning sensation in starting but eventually you will feel relaxed. Getting a bath in nearest ocean is the prefect thing as ocean water is naturally filled with salt or you can add salt in your water during bath.
  • Ice: Cooling the affected area stops the distribution of venom and relaxes you by giving immediate relief. Place ice cubes in a soft cloth and keep it on the affected area for 10-15 minutes. You can also use ice pack if available. In case ice is not available, hold the bitten area under cool tap water or you can also use cold bottle too.
  • Baking Soda: One of the finest home remedies to treat bug bites is baking soda. It is alkaline in nature which helps in neutralizing the pH level of the skin. Just mix one spoon of baking soda in a glass and deep a clean cloth in the mixture. Place that cloth on affected skin for relief. You can also make a paste and can apply it on the area. It works to reduce swelling and itching.

Apart from these home remedies to treat bug bites, there are many other things too which can be used. Like Toothpaste, Honey, soap etc. Even after these remedies, itching or redness persists, consult a doctor. This was all about how you can treat bug bites by using home remedies.

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