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Child Sexual Harassment on rise! Save your Child now!

Child Sexual Harassment on Rise Children are considered as the most beautiful creation of the God and some cruel people of our own society are doing...

Oshea Radiance D-Tan Fairness Body Massage Oil Review

The UV rays have become the enemy of our skin, and with the increase of pollution level, our skin is getting damaged. It is...

Cancer Rate Doubled in India – #IndiaAgainstCancer

We all know that Cancer is increasing in India on an alarming rate. Also, we are coming across many cases of cancer in...

Oshea Sheasoft Fairness Body Milk Review

Oshea Sheasoft Fairness Body Milk Review Heylo cutie pies!! Winters are here and so is the dry skin. Recently I reviewed Body Lotion from TBC...

Review of Namyaa’s Organic Lip Scrub

Lip is the most sensitive part, and we should be very careful every time we use something there. Keeping this point in...

Dealing with New Covid 19 Strains and its Recovery

An easy 6 step guide to help you through new Covid strains and their recoveryA Comprehensive,...

Is Virginity really a character certificate made only for Women?

Virginity is a medical term which has become a character certification for women and only for women! Is Virginity really a character certificate made...