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Are you addicted to Social Networking? How to get rid of social networking addiction?

Everyone is addicted to social networking and wants to get rid of social networking addiction. In this era of technology where everyone is going online, it is obvious to get addicted. No, we are not blaming you. It is really addictive, but the need is to get rid of it. Before starting you should know whether you are addicted or not, as most of the time people do not agree that they are addicted just because they don’t want to get rid of it.

Source: wikihow.com
Source: wikihow.com

10 Signs that you are addicted to social networking:

  • Checking notifications on every social networking website is the first thing you do when you wake up and probably the last thing before going to bed.
  • Check-in is the first thing you do whenever you visit a hotel, food joint or any place.
  • You spend most of your time on social networking websites.
  • As soon as you open a browser, logging in to social networking website is the very first thing you do. You log out from these websites just to log in again from your smart phones.
  • You have installed a proxy browser in your office just for using social networking websites and you have bookmarked all these websites on your own PC.
  • Whenever you click a new picture, it’s just for changing display pics on social networking websites or you have to change pics on these websites that’s why you click the pictures.
  • You have more virtual friends on social networking websites than real life.
  • You get really frustrated and angry when someone gives you some work while you were surfing social network sites.
  • You update your status and pictures at frequent intervals. The first thing when you try a new dress, a new dish, watch a movie, listen to a song, is that you post this on your profile.
  • You know you are addicted, but just don’t want to accept this.

Yes, now you can feel that you are addicted and you should know how to get rid of social networking addiction. There are many reasons for getting rid of this addiction. It wastes your time, makes you less productive, affect your health and many more.

Source: Youtube.com
Source: Youtube.com

 Learn how to get rid of social networking addiction:

  • Accept it: The very first thing is to accept that you are addicted. Nothing will work until unless you acknowledge that you are addicted. If you satisfy and of the 7 points discussed above, then yes you are addicted. Accept it without any guilt. It’s normal. However, what’s not normal is, to not doing something about it.
  • Make a time table: Yes, a time table. Make a proper plan on how much time you will spend on social networking site. For example: If you are spending 5 hours now, reduce it to 4 hours, then to 3 hours and so on. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just think why you are spending so much time on it.
  • Priority List: Make a priority list. Give more priorities to the things which are more important like work, family, hobbies and health. Start giving less priority to social networking websites and soon it will be at the last of the list.
  • Go outdoors: Make plans to visit different places and cities. Instead of liking status of the people who went to some place, why not go yourself to that place. Plan trips with your families and friends. This will not only strong your bond with people close to you but you will also make new friends in this process.
  • Control the urge: Whenever you feel to update status or to change display picture, just think why you are doing this. Sharing your personal life on a social platform is seriously not a good way to socialize. Instead write a diary or prepare a scrap book for memories. Always remember hand made things always remain special.
  • Use telephone or letters: We can understand that many people use social networking sites to stay connected with their close ones. But nothing can beat telephone or a mobile phone. Just call them and talk to them, instead of waiting for them to come online. Not only this will make the other person special but you will feel good too. Letters are outdated by the excitement of receiving and sending a letter is just something which can never fade away.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Uninstall all social networking apps from your smartphones. Browsers are always there in case of an emergency.
  • Use websites like Facebook Limiter and Cold Turkey.
  • Appoint someone to keep a check on you as how much time you are spending on the social networking websites.
  • Deactivate your account for few time and activate it once you have controlled your addiction.
  • Talk to a psychiatrist if nothing works.

We hope you will get rid of social networking addiction as soon as possible.

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