Eyes & Ears

Natural Home Remedies for Tinnitus to Stop Ringing in ears

Natural home remedies for tinnitus- ringing in the ears
What is Tinnitus and its Symptoms Tinnitus is a medical term for ringing in the ears or buzzing in the ear that makes one uncomfortable. The sound can be really annoying as it keeps buzzing every now and then. The noise can come anytime or even in many cases it is continuously irritating the patient....

Simple Steps to Improve your Eyesight Naturally and Quickly

improve eyesight naturally
You must be here looking for the answer, How to improve your eyesight naturally and quickly? Well, this post in answer to all your confusions and queries about Improving Eyesight Naturally. We all want a good eyesight and growing use of Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Television is somewhere making our eyesight weaker. Not just...

What to do to treat Eyelid Pimple/ Bump (Eye Stye)

eye stye treatment, pimple on eyelid, bump on eye lid, red bump on eye
One day you wake up and find that there is something on your eye irritating you? That small bump on the edge of eye or over eyelid is called Eye Stye. Eye Stye is like a pimple that grows on the edge of the eye or eyelid. The pimple on the eye is very irritating as eye skin...

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