Building Stronger Bones for a Better Future

Bones provide your body with a framework, safeguard organs, hold muscles in place and made of collagen and calcium and that is why, Building stronger bones becomes all the more important. As you grow older, it is important to maintain strong and healthy bones and take steps to protect it. Why do we need strong bones? Multiple bone diseases can affect one with old age, such as Osteoporosis and Arthritis.
Osteoporosis is caused due to the bones getting less dense and more prone to fractures. Arthritis affects the joints and surrounding tissues, and are of two types, namely, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Stronger bones are the driving force to help alleviate these problems.


Factors Affecting Bone Health

Your bones continuously change as old cells break down and new cells are generated. As a young person, your body makes new bones and breaks down bones faster than after you are 30. This result in bone remodeling where you lose slightly more bone mass than you gain. This makes your bones thinner and weaker as you age.

Research by National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) suggests that you have a greater chance of getting osteoporosis if you are Asian or White. If someone in your family has had osteoporosis, then you are at a potential risk.

Calcium amount in the diet
A low amount of calcium in the diet can lead to a lower bone density, higher risk of fractures and early bone loss.

Those that are physically more active are less prone to osteoporosis than their inactive counterparts.

Women are more prone to have less bone tissue than men due to pregnancy, menstruation and menopause due to a drop in estrogen levels.
By booking an appointment with an orthopedician in Chennai, you can review whether your bones are healthy and you can create a plan to stay active. A simple checkup and better awareness can lead to longer and healthier life.

Maintaining & Building Stronger Bones

Increasing Calcium Intake
Calcium is essential for the development of bones and teeth. This also helps in nervous pulses, developing the muscle functions and hormone secretion. The key is to enable your body to absorb calcium by pairing it with Vitamin D rich foods. Most adults must consume 1,000 mg of calcium every day. Women after menopause and men aged 70 and above must consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day. This can be achieved by having three servings of dairy products a day. Sources of high calcium include milk, dairy products, broccoli and orange juice.

Consuming Vitamin D Rich Foods
To ensure that Calcium is absorbed in the body, there should be an adequate amount of Vitamin D consumption. This can be done by consuming foods like shrimps, cereal, sardines, eggs, orange juice and tuna. In case you are Vitamin D deficient, you can complement it with multivitamin supplements. The recommended amount for each serving is between 400 and 800 IU of Vitamin D. But this differs with age as ages between 0 to 1 year consume 400, ages between 1 to 70 years should be 600 IU and after 70 they should consume 800 IU. You can also get an instant dose of vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin. Unfortunately, most people do not get the recommended 30 minutes of being exposed to sunlight. So get outdoors and soak up the sun!

Intaking Sufficient Magnesium
One of the most essential minerals in your body is Magnesium. It helps in building strong bones and teeth. 60% of the body’s reserves of magnesium are held in bones and bones help transfer it into the bloodstream when needed. Foods rich in magnesium include fish, yogurt, dark leafy greens, dark chocolates, bananas and more.

Reviewing your Heart’s Condition
Check your heart and get your bones’ fracture risk evaluated with a bone scan. Studies show that people with heart problems have a higher risk of weaker hip bones. Also, those with underlying genetic predisposition may have a greater chance of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Loading up on Potassium Rich Food
Potassium may not help build stronger bones but they neutralise acids that remove calcium from the body. Foods like sweet potatoes, white potatoes, bananas and yogurt are rich in Potassium. A low level of Potassium can cause you to get exhausted and nauseated with muscle and abdominal cramps.
So you see, it is important to get yourself checked at regular intervals by an orthopedic. You can easily do this by registering yourself for an online doctor consultation from a range of the best doctors at an affordable rate and at a convenient time.

Hope this article gives you an insight and helps you understand the importance of keeping your bones healthy and strong.


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