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Denver Rider & Denver Goal

Hey guys!! I know I have been reviewing products for girls lately, but I am back with 2 amazing DEOs Denver Rider & Denver Goal. The 2 variants are completely different from each other, yet they both speak of royalty.  I am going to review them both in detail. Hope you will like my review of Denver Rider & Denver Goal.

Denver Rider & Denver Goal Packaging

Denver Rider & Denver Goal for men both comes in a broad bottles. Goal comes in Royal Blue bottle whereas Rider comes in Olive Green bottle. I loved that both the bottles are way thicker and broader than usual Deo Bottles which makes them look more manly and appeal in the very first look.

Denver Rider & Denver Goal Review

Denver Rider & Denver Goal Price – 220/- for 165 ml bottle

My Experience with Denver Rider & Denver Goal

My hubby was quite excited by the packaging itself but more than him, it was me. And my excitement went up one level when my hubby wore the Rider deo. I liked rider more than Goal, it’s more seductive: lol

Jokes apart, rider and goal both are impressive fragrances that stays with you and beat your sweat smell for quite a long. It’s a great choice when you are on your business meetings, after all when you smell nice you feel more confident. My hubby loved Goal more than Rider. He has his own reasons (he doesn’t want to get unwanted attention of girls, I might kill him :wink) so he preferred Goal and I prefer Rider when he is with me :shy :shy

What I Liked about Denver Rider & Denver Goal

  • Very Affordable
  • Easily available
  • Loved the packaging
  • Beats the sweat smell
  • Both fragrances are fresh and new

What I Didn’t liked about Denver Rider & Denver Goal

  • Nothing at all

My rating for Denver Rider & Denver Goal is 4.5 out of 5

Will I buy Denver Rider & Denver Goal again?

It’s a great gifting option girls. Be it for any man in your life – your brother, friend, father, hubby; any man would love it.

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