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Summers are here and so are the ill effects of the scorching Sun rays making your skin darker. We all want to remove Sun Tanning and Sun burns and make our skin flawless. We do use Sun screen lotions, but re they really helpful? Don’t you still get Sun tanning after using Sun screen lotions? Well, here are some affective Home Remedies to get rid of Sun Tanning and those dark Skin and Sun burns that makes some parts of your body color different from other body parts. I am sure, you must want your body colour to be balanced all over, Specially the arms, legs, neck and your face.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sun Tanning

Image- huffingtonpost.fr
Image- huffingtonpost.fr

Baking Soda

1 Tea spoon Baking Soda and add lemon juice to get a paste. Take a sponge and dip in the paste to scrub the body parts which has Sun tanning. Scrubbing baking soda helps exfoliate skin and remove sun tan. Make sure you wash the body part after scrubbing and use a moisturizer.

Gram Flour

2 Tablespoon Gram Flour, 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice and 1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar and make a paste. Scrub the paste on the body area gently to exfoliate the skin and remove the sun tanning.

Sugar and Lemon

Take 3 Tablespoon Sugar and 1 Tablespoon Lemon juice. Use this paste as a scrubber and remove your Sun tan.

Aloe Vera

Get a fresh leaf of Aloe Vera, peel it and add blend it to get Aloe Vera gel. While Blending, add lemon Juice. Now keep it safe in a bottle in the refrigerator. Get some chilled Aloe Vera- Lemon gel, rub it and massage over the darker body parts to get rid of Sun Tanning.

Potato Juice

Grate one Potato and squeeze it to get the juice out. Now add equal quantity of raw milk in it. Use this mixture and massage it on the skin tanned area. Do it twice a day to get rid of sun tanning.


Make a paste using Gram Flour, a pinch of turmeric and yoghurt. Now apply the paste on the area that has tanning and leave it to dry. Now rub while removing it and you are done. Repeat if needed.


Grate one cucumber, add 1 teaspoon milk powder and ½ teaspoon lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the area that has tanning and leave it to dry. Wash it off, repeat if needed.


Grate a tomato and use it on your tanned skin. Rub it gently and leave the skin as it is for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the tomato residue from skin. Repeat it daily to get flawless, untanned skin.


Get Honey and add lemon juice. Now use this paste and apply on the area that has tanning. Leave for at least 15-20 minutes and wash it off. Repeat it daily.

These are some effective home remedies that are surely going to remove the skin. Use them to get rid of sun tanning and make sure you leave your comments.

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