An Immune India
The Better future for India lies in the hands of the children, the generation that is growing to make a new India. They are the future of India in every sense and to make them capable to take care of our traditions, values and most importantly the country is our duty. Giving India a generation that is healthy mentally and physically becomes all the more important today. Let’s work on an Immune India, be it us or the kids we need immunity. We need a safeguard that is not only going to keep our children safe from numerous diseases as well as corruption, because they both are equally dangerous.
An Immune India needs mentally and physically fir Indians, those who can take some great decisions and follow them well. India today is in the evils of bad habits, diseases and corruption, we need to fight them all. One generation has been corrupted and the generation that is about to conquer the country is in budding state, let’s take a vow to show them the right path so they are not only physically immune but also can stay safe from other evils of our society.
We have heard and even our forefathers have told us, that a child starts learning from the mother’s womb. Yes, make sure to take good care of every pregnant lady around you, talk good things, give her nutritious food and start the journey of Immune India from there itself. Nature has given every woman a special power to bring a life, to take care of that life inside her for nine months. Nature is full of resources that can keep us safe and healthy, but we have become so corrupted that we use artificial things more than what nature is giving us. We used to have natural fruits and homemade dishes made after using plenty of herbs and spices which were healthy and nutritious for any pregnant woman and today we use pills for nutrients.
There was a time when in India we used to welcome our guests with homemade natural drinks like lemonade and now we use artificial flavored drinks full of chemicals and preservatives. What have we done to ourselves and our lifestyle? Our children like junk food more than real ghee and milk. In order to make children drink milk we are forced to use artificial flavored powders full of preservatives. Home-made pickles and chutney’s are replaced by sauces, jams and ready to cook meals. We all know how safe they are for us and for our children but still we buy and use them. Amidst this there are still few products who have been able to keep their integrity and still uses natural herbs prescribed by our own Ayurveda for a healthy and safe life. Dabur Chayawanprash is one name you all have heard from your parents and grandparents as well. Yes, it is that old and even in the crowd of products trying to make a hole in the pockets and your children’s health, Chayanwanprash is still the same and have just grown in terms of taste and nutrition. Why, after being so serious about preservatives I am advocating about this one product? Not just because I use it myself and the children in my home but also because I have researched about the ingredients being used in Chayawanprash. Dabur Company still follows the real recipe found in the Charak Samhita.
Avoid going for artificial flavored products that are full of chemicals and preservatives. Always turn around the product and read the list of ingredients. Use Google to find out what preservatives are bad for you and your family. And always encourage on eating natural real fruits and homemade food to stay safe. Give the budding future of India a spoon of health everyday and lots of moral values to make An Immune India.
Very informative and detailed. All the best!
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Thanks Dr. Lawrence.
Will definitely be interested in reading your post as well, because I definitely want to change this country for the better. Being a writer being motivated and keeping motivated is my prime focus 🙂