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If you are looking for some amazing Home remedies to remove unwanted hairs naturally, then you are at the right place. Hairs can make anyone beautiful, but unwanted hairs become the cause of embarrassment for many people. Girls have the options to wax or remove unwanted hairs by threading, but that too cannot be done on some parts of the body. When people have excess hairs on their face, ears (mostly in men), breasts, shoulders, chin (in girls), either they can go for expensive laser hair removal treatment or they start living their life dealing with embarrassment and hairs. Today we are going to give you 15 amazing natural Home Remedies to remove unwanted hairs naturally. After trying these home remedies, you will not only feel confident to face people and social gathering, but also feel the confidence in your personality.

get rid of unwanted hairs naturally at home

Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Papaya Remedy 1 to Removal Unwanted Hairs

Get some Raw Papaya and grind it to make a paste. Add ½ teaspoon turmeric powder in 2 Tablespoon Raw Papaya paste and mix well. Massage the paste on the part of your body from where you want to remove unwanted hairs naturally for around 10-15 minutes.

Papaya Remedy 2 to Removal Unwanted Hairs

Get some ripened Payapa paste around 1 tablespoon, add ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder, ¼ teaspoon gram flour, 4 teaspoons Aloe Vera gel, 2 teaspoon Mustard oil and 2 drops Essential oil (optional). Mix all ingredients well and apply the paste on the body part from where you want to remove unwanted hairs. Make sure you apply the paste in the opposite direction of your hair growth. Wait for the paste to dry and remove the dried paste in the opposite direction of hair growth. When removed, you can wash your body part using cold water. Apply some moisturizer.

Turmeric Remedy to Removal Unwanted Hairs

Get 2 tablespoon of turmeric powder (or take enough to cover the body part with hairs). Add raw milk or rose water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the body part where you have unwanted hairs. Let it dry, try to rub a little with your wet hands for a minute or so. Wash off with luke warm water. If you have thick or lots of unwanted hairs, add coarsely grinded rice or grams. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after washing it off.

Chickpea Flour Remedy to remove Unwanted Hairs

Get ¼ cup Chickpea flour (gram flour) and add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder in a bowl. Add raw milk to get a fine thick paste with no lumps. Add 1 tablespoon fresh cream if you have dry skin. Apply the paste on the body part with unwanted hairs in the same direction of the hair growth. Apply another coat of paste making sure the unwanted hairs have been nicely covered. Let it dry completely. Rub with wet hands for a minute or so in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Wash with lukewarm water and moisturize your skin.

Sugar-Lemon Remedy to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Get 2 tablespoons sugar, add 2 tablespoon lemon juice and 10 tablespoons water. Mix them well, making sure you have not melted the sugar completely. Apply the concoction in the direction of unwanted hair growth. Wait for a while and apply another coat and let it rest for next 10-15 minutes. Rub gently for 1-2 minutes and wash it off with normal water.

Sugar-Lemon-Honey Remedy to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Get 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Mix them all and use double boiler to heat them. Dust a little corn starch on your arm or legs from where you want to remove unwanted hairs. Using a waxing spatula, apply the mixture on your arms or legs in direction of the unwanted hair growth. Apply waxing strip on the area you have applied the hot paste just like waxing. Massage it a bit and pull the strip in the opposite direction of hair growth. This remedy is just like a home-made waxing kit for you.

Egg Remedy to Remove Unwanted Facial Hairs

Take 1 egg white, add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon corn flour. Beat them to get a fine paste. Apply the paste on your face area with unwanted hairs. Let the paste completely dry and you will get a mask like thing attached to your face. Pull it in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Voila, you are done.

home remedies to remove unwanted hairs

Pepper- Camphor Remedy to Remove Unwanted Hairs from Legs

Take 2 tablespoons white pepper powder, 2 tablespoons Camphor powder and add almond oil to get a paste. Apply the paste in direction of hair growth and let it stay for 15-20 minutes. Rub with wet hands for a minute and wash it off with cold water. Doing this once a week will give you soft and long lasting hair free legs.

Potato-Lentil Remedy to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Take 1 bowl Yellow lentil and soak it overnight. Grind the yellow lentil to get a fine paste. Now peel and grate a potato, use muslin cloth to get potato juice out of the grated potato. Add potato juice and 1 tablespoon honey in the Yellow lentil paste and mix well. Apply the paste in direction of hair growth and let it dry. Use wet hands to rub for a minute or so in the opposite direction. Wash it off with cold water and apply moisturizer.

Banana- Oatmeal Remedy to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Get one mashed ripened banana and add 1 tablespoon oatmeal. Mix them well. Apply it on the area with unwanted hairs and let it dry. Rub with wet hairs in circular motions for 1-2 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

Basil-Onion Paste to Remove Unwanted Hairs

Get two onions and pull out thin transparent membranes from all layers of both onions. Get  10-12 Basil leaves and crush them with thin membranes of onion. You can use batan to grind them to get a coarse paste. Apply the paste on the area of your body with unwanted hairs. Wait for at least 15-20 minutes. Rub in a circular motion for 2 minutes and wash it off.

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